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Sabrina Wirth is a native New Yorker with an international background (Swiss/Salvadoran). She lived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico for her first 6 years, where she caught the bug for art and architecture, which she hasn't been able to shake off since.

For over 10 years, Sabrina has been working in the intersection of art, architecture, and design as a graphic artist, curator, and business developer. Besides working with artists, her all-time favorite job was drawing cartoons for the NY Daily News!

Having experienced nearly all perspectives of the art world (artist/curator/collector/writer), Sabrina has a unique set of skills that allows her to provide creative solutions to complex challenges. This goes for identifying talented, emerging artists for new collectors, to providing business development strategies for artists or architects through creative marketing in the form of graphic design and creative social media campaigns.

Presenting the selected work of artist Stephen Hannock in a private home as an art salon event.

Interviewing artist Osman Ahmed in Iraqi Kurdistan for an article in the Economist (published February 2020).